Dank Alert

Dank Alert is an advanced assistant bot designed to provide notifications regarding global boosts, scratch rewards, and fishing events directly to your server



Fishing Reminder

It notifies users when it's time to fish again in Dank Memer, saving them time and preventing button spamming

Fishing Reminder

Global Boost Notifier

It notifies users about global boosts in Dank Memer, keeping them updated on any enhancements to their gaming experience

Global Boost Notifier

Scratch Notifier

Dank Alert alerts users about scratch events, ensuring they never miss out on opportunities to participate and potentially win rewards.

Scratch Notifier

Fishing Event Notifier

This feature informs users about upcoming fishing events in Dank Memer, allowing them to prepare and participate in these events for a chance to earn rewards or compete against other users

Fishing Event Notifier







Bot Information

Total Global Boost Detected: 1.76K
Total Scratch Detected: 617
Total Fishing Event Detected: 40
Total Fishing Reminder: 699.10K

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